Scanning and Raw Data Analysis
The GenePix software running the Axon scanners has a variety of features used to acquire the data from the scanned images. The GAL File (GenePix Array List) is used to find and identify each spot on the array, which allows the software to compute many parameters for each spot. GAL files are created using Excel sheets that identify the contents of each plate used to print the array. Training on GAL file creation costs can take from about half an hour to an hour. Scanning Quality ControlThere are several parameters one should check to determine the quality of each scanned array. This check can be performed either “on the fly”, by looking at several areas of the array after scanning, or by using the results table after analysis. There is also an Array Quality Control feature in the Reports section of GenePix which will look for the following criteria:
Please direct questions about the scanners to Christian Daly ( |