Contents: Click a blue triangle to expand or collapse a list
These programs allow you to run Scriptome tools from a Windows/Mac/UNIX
command line without browsing the web pages. Click below to download
and ScriptPack
Download Scriptome command-line executablesRequirements: You need to have the HTML::Tree module installed.
This is automatically installed as part of ActiveState (Windows Perl),
and will be installed on many UNIX machines as well. If you don't have it,
you can download it from CPAN. Go to and
type HTML::Tree
into the search box; click on the first link, then
click on the "Download" link and follow the instructions.
Installation: Scriptome_exe.tar.gz
has four files inside.
Put Scriptome
and ScriptPack
into a directory that is
in your PATH. If you're using Windows, then also put the two .bat
files into that same directory.
That's it! Ask the mailing list if you have questions.
Usage: Just input a tool name and input and output file names. The program
will ask you for any needed parameters (if you didn't enter them using the
flag), then run the code for the tool as if you had cut and paste it from
the website. For more information, type Scriptome -h
# List names and short descriptions of all 'change' tools
Scriptome -t change
# Change FASTA file to tabular file. No parameters needed, just filenames
Scriptome -t change_fasta_to_tab in.fasta >
# Choose first and third column from tabular file (Columns start at 0!)
Scriptome -t choose_cols -p '@cols=(0, 2)' >
# Choose first & third column, same as above - interactive version.
# Results will be the same as using -p above
Scriptome -t choose_cols >
# The program asks you to enter paramaters
@cols = [ Hit Enter to use (1, -1, 2) ]:
# Type in (0, 2), including the paretheses, and hit Enter
@cols = [ Hit Enter to use (1, -1, 2) ]: (0, 2)
and ScriptPack
work exactly the same way. The only difference
is that Scriptome
actually goes to the Scriptome website to retrieve the
tool code. Scriptpack
contains a copy of all the tools, so it does
not require Internet access to function.
The best place to discuss the Scriptome is the Scriptome-users mailing list.
It's a good place to ask how to solve a certain problem
using the Scriptome, or to suggest ways the Scriptome could be better.
Subscribe or see archives at
There is also a very low-traffic announcement-only mailing list about
major updates or changes to the Scriptome.
Subscribe or see archives at
Submit bug reports at